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 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…9 timer9H

Rand Paul gjør opprør over Gaza: "Ingen flere okkupasjoner"

Sen. Rand Paul publicly opposed Trump's Gaza proposal, criticizing it as contradicting "America First" principles

Trump suggested seizing control of Gaza and potentially deploying U.S. troops to transform it into a "Riviera of the Middle East"

Secretary Rubio supported Trump's vision, promoting the idea of "Making Gaza Beautiful Again"

Trump expressed willingness to send U.S. troops to Gaza if deemed necessary for security

Trump plans to take control of and develop parts of Gaza according to his statements

Speaker Mike Johnson showed preliminary support for Tru…  

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 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…22 timer22H

Kongressen kaller Trumps Gazaplan "bisarr og inkonsekvent"

Trump foreslo enestående amerikansk kontroll over Gazastripen under en pressekonferanse i Det hvite hus med Netanyahu, og foreslo "langsiktig eierskap" som kunne vare i 10-15 år.

Planen innebærer at nesten to millioner palestinske innbyggere permanent skal flytte til naboland, noe som markerer en dramatisk endring fra tiår med amerikansk politikk.

Kongressledere fra begge partier uttrykte skepsis, med selv Trump-allierte Lindsey Graham som kalte forslaget "problematisk."

Midtøsten-eksperter, inkludert tidligere rådgiver for den palestinske myndigheten, Khaled Elgindy, krit…  

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 @ISIDEWITHsendt inn…9 timer9H

Zelensky hevder Tucker Carlson "jobber for Putin"

Zelensky attacked Tucker Carlson on Piers Morgan's show, accusing him of "working for Putin"

Direct quote: Zelensky told Carlson to "stop licking his [Putin's] ass"

Zelensky claimed Carlson repeats Putin's talking points verbatim

Response was to Carlson's criticism of Zelensky's treatment of political opponents

Carlson also criticized treatment of Ukrainian Orthodox Church

Zelensky suggested Carlson needs deeper understanding of Ukraine situation

Accused Carlson of misinforming/disinforming people

Questioned if Carlson had experienced personal loss

Separate topic: Zelensky claimed Trump invited him to inauguration

Said invitation was general, declined as personal meeting unlikely