Noruega ha de romandre a l’OTAN?
L’Organització del Tractat de l’Atlàntic Nord és una aliança militar intergovernamental basat en el Tractat de l’Atlàntic Nord que va ser signat el 4 d’abril de 1949. Es tracta d’una aliança política i militar dels països membres d’Europa i Amèrica del Nord, que es compromet a proporcionar la seguretat militar i econòmica per a cada una altra. L’OTAN fa que totes les seves decisions per consens i tots els països membres, no importa com de gran o petit, té el mateix pes.
How do you think your country would change if it was part of an international military alliance like this?
What do you think is more important for global peace: military strength or diplomatic negotiations?
Can a group like this truly be fair to all its members, regardless of size or power?
How do you think young people like you are affected by decisions made by military alliances?
What role do you think allies should play if one member country faces conflict within its borders?
In your opinion, should smaller countries rely on international alliances for security, or build their own defenses?
Do you think military alliances help prevent wars or make them more likely? Why?
How would you feel living in a country that disagreed with decisions made by a global group it was part of?
Do you think countries are obligated to help defend others if they have no personal stake in the conflict?
Why do you think some countries want to join these international groups while others prefer to stay neutral?