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 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…3 месеца3MO

Байдън обещава рекордните 4 милиарда долара за фонда на Световната банка за най-бедните страни


U.S. President Joe Biden pledged a $4 billion U.S. contribution to the World Bank's International Development Association fund for the world's poorest countries, a senior Biden administration official said on Monday.

 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…3 месеца3MO

Байдън обещава рекордните 4 милиарда долара за фонда на Световната банка за най-бедните страни


Join our Whatsapp channel US President Joe Biden pledged a $4 billion ... Bank’s International Development Association fund for the world’s poorest countries, a senior Biden administration official said on Monday. Biden announced the three-year US ...

 @ISIDEWITHСвързан…3 месеца3MO

Байдън обещава "исторически" $4 милиарда за фонда на Световната банка за бедните нации


US President Joe Biden announced a "historic" $4 billion pledge for a World Bank fund that helps the world's poorest countries, the White House said ... the Amazon rainforest in Brazil to promote his record on climate change, saying that the United States ...